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What is Acupuncture?The insertion of thin, solid, sterile, stainless steel needles at specific points throughout the body. Restoring balance and order to the qi throughout the body.
What does Acupuncture do?Gathers qi, moisture, and blood to invigorate proper function of the muscles, nerves, vessels, glands, and organs.
What is the goal of Acupuncture?To restore balance (and health) through an even and plentiful circulation of qi, blood, and body fluids.
How often do you use the same needles?All the needles are sterile, disposable and used only one time.They are thrown away in biohazard containers.
Does Acupuncture hurt?No. Most often there is a slight aching feeling when the needle is first inserted. After the needles are in, often you will feel relaxed and can even fall asleep.
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