Electrical Stimulation
Electric stimulation therapy involves connecting a machine to two acupuncture needles and that passes a small electric current through the needles. Electric stimulation relieves pain by activating bioactive chemicals in your body. It also reduces inflammation in your body by activating the sympathetic nerve fibers which release endogenous opioids such as endorphins that reduce inflammation and can relieve chronic pain. Recent research shows that electric acupuncture releases mesenchymal stem cells into your bloodstream. Mesenchymal stem cells create different types of tissues and have healing properties. It also increases blood flow to relieve any pain and help with poor circulation.
Our healers include the only Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine in Metro Detroit & Michigan
Every acupuncture appointment includes cupping, gua sha, electric stimulation, or moxibustion
Our clinic contains a Herbal Pharmacy. We process Insurance Reimbursement through Superbills.
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Electric Stimulation therapy in Bloomfield Hills is safe, painless, and performed by our highly trained Doctors of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Electric stimulation can have beneficial healing effects. Electric stimulation therapy with acupuncture is effective for treating neurological diseases, paralysis, chronic pain, and muscle spasms.
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